

导演:伊安·费兹本 基伦·J·沃尔什 

主演:托比·斯蒂芬斯 米兰达·莱森 

片名:《冤家搭档第二季》(又名:冤家搭档 第二季,冤家搭档 第二季 Vexed Season 2);年份:2012;语言地区:英语英国;状态:完结;豆瓣平均分:0.0

正在播放:冤家搭档第二季第02集 | 播放器:天空云 | 播放清晰度:超清 | 播放速度:流畅 | 版本:完整版全集 | 剧情:  BBC Two announces that shooting has begun on series two of detective comedy Vexed, starring Toby Stephens (Jane Eyre, Robin Hood, Cambridge Spies) who reprises his role as D.I. Jack Armstrong, paired with Miranda Raison (Spooks, Merlin, Married Single Other) who plays newly promoted D.I. Georgina Dixon.                                                                      Vexed is being filmed in Dublin, Eire, and comprises six 60-minute episodes to air later this year. The series is created by Howard Overman (Misfits) with episodes written by Chris Bucknall, James Wood, Steve Coombes and Harry & Jack Williams.                                                                      Also returning from series one are Roger Griffiths (Holby City, Chef) and Ronny Jhutti (Survivors, Ideal) with Nick Dunning (The Iron Lady, The Tudors) joining to play Georgina’s father.                                                                      D.I. Jack Armstrong (Stephens) has a new partner in the shape of D.I. Georgina Dixon (Raison). Armstrong is charming, disorganised and prone to laziness so it comes as no surprise that sparks fly when he’s partnered with the ambitious and highly efficient Dixon. Jack’s best friend, café-owner and ex-cop Tony (Griffiths) and colleague Naz (Jhutti) complete the crime solving team. Episode one sees the duo tackle the murder of a cocky car salesman, but things are not quite as they seem.                                                                      Chris Sussman, Executive Producer for the BBC, says: "We’re very much looking forward to the return of Vexed. The second series promises to be just as much fun as the first, and with Miranda Raison joining Toby Stephens as new partner D.I. Dixon, we’re hoping it’s going to be all guns blazing."                                                                      Jill Green, Executive Producer, Eleventh Hour Films, adds: “In a recession we need shows that make us laugh, and that’s where Vexed fits in - a perfectly distinctive ‘yin yang’ take on modern day life.”                                                                      Vexed has been commissioned by Cheryl Taylor, Controller of Comedy Commissioning and Janice Hadlow, Controller of BBC Two.                                                                      It is an Eleventh Hour Films production, executive producers are Chris Sussman for the BBC and Jill Green for Eleventh Hour Films. Produced by Eve Gutierrez for Eleventh Hour Films and Directed by Ian FitzGibbon (eps 1-3) and Kieron J. Walsh (eps 4-6).


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  • 1、请问哪个平台可以免费在线观看《冤家搭档第二季》?
  • 星空影院网友:在线观看地址
  • 2、《冤家搭档第二季》是哪些演员主演的?
  • 网友:主演有托比·斯蒂芬斯,米兰达·莱森
  • 3、《冤家搭档第二季》是什么时候上映/什么时候开播的?
  • 网友:2012年,详细日期也可以去百度百科查询。
  • 4、冤家搭档第二季如果播放卡顿怎么办?
  • 百度贴吧网友:播放页面卡顿可以刷新网页或者更换播放源。
  • 5、手机版免费在线点播《冤家搭档第二季》有哪些网站还有资源?
  • 网友:芒果TV爱奇艺优酷视频百度视频腾讯视频
  • 6、《冤家搭档第二季》的评价:
  • Mtime时光网网友:比第一部好看,剧情不磨叽了,主要角色不拖后腿。第一次看到胡子拉碴的主角直接就爱了。冤家搭档第二季电视剧懂得扬长避短,让声音做主角。省去没人想看的废话,省去没人想看的感情戏,一个火球交代了背景设定。一切以场景为中心来设计,而每个场景又都以声音为中心,咋呼、轻响、寂静形成节奏,然后一秒钟不多待就出字幕。很少有电视剧的音效师能感觉自己这么核心吧?
  • 豆瓣电视剧网友:《冤家搭档第二季》观感太割裂了,一边频频被视觉设计上的创意惊艳到,一边又不知道导演在吃力地表达什么!首先要说明一点,抛开所有片外因素,这部片子我看得很爽。
  • 腾讯视频网友:《冤家搭档第二季》朋友看完后非常力荐让我也看看,我本来是不喜欢这种欧美剧,剧情,喜剧,犯罪,欧美类型的电视剧视频,我忍着看完一小段,越看越入迷,直到无法自拔......
  • 优酷视频网友:《冤家搭档第二季》的剧本很不错,一部好的电视剧需要一个自身导演的同时,也需要有一本好剧本,才能成就一部经典的作品,虽然这部电视剧还不够成为经典,但是也相差不远,希望导演伊安·费兹本,基伦·J·沃尔什再拍第二部的时候,能取其精华去其糟粕。
  • 爱奇艺网友:《冤家搭档第二季》里面的演员真的很不错,个个演技在线,让我惊讶的是演员托比·斯蒂芬斯,米兰达·莱森竟然在演技以及气势上不输老戏骨,真的是长江后浪推前浪啊。
  • 百度视频网友:电视剧前的回忆闪回让观众们完美过渡 没看过前作的朋友也毫无压力,相比第一部演员有所升级!
  • 冤家搭档第二季百度百科 冤家搭档第二季原著 冤家搭档第二季什么时候播 冤家搭档第二季免费在线观看 冤家搭档第二季演员表 冤家搭档第二季结局 电视剧冤家搭档第二季说的是什么 冤家搭档第二季图片 在线电视剧冤家搭档第二季好看吗 冤家搭档第二季剧情介绍 冤家搭档第二季角色介绍 冤家搭档第二季上映时间 冤家搭档第二季高清视频 冤家搭档第二季百度网盘 冤家搭档第二季电视剧 冤家搭档第二季天空云第02集 冤家搭档第二季豆瓣评分 冤家搭档第二季全集未删减完整版 冤家搭档第二季全集高清在线观看 
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